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Legal Notice ‐ Pension "Zur Fledermaus"

General information acc. section 5 Telemedia Act

Zur Fledermaus
Richard Bothe
Koblenzerstr. 141
66822 Lebach

VAT number: DE216792418 (according section 27a of german VAT act

Tel: +49 (0) 8122 5405 719
Mobil: +49 (0) 151 123 765 21
E-Mail: info@zur-fledermaus.de

Note according to Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council:

The link to the website of the European Commission's online dispute resolution center is: ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ ‐ further information is available under this link. For initial questions about a possible dispute settlement, we are available at info@zur-fledermaus.de.

Note according to P 36 Para. 1 No. 1 VSBG:

We endeavor to resolve any disagreements arising from our consumer contract relationships in an amicable manner. If there are any complaints, our customers can contact info (at) prizeotel.com. The limitation of any claims is excluded for the duration of this procedure. If no agreement can be reached there, legal recourse is open - without prior attempt at arbitration by a state-recognized body.

Non-binding information

The owner of the lodging company "Zur Fledermaus" has carefully researched and compiled the information and other content of her website. However, it assumes no liability or liability for their accuracy, completeness or topicality.

Subject to change

All information is non-binding. We reserve the right to change, supplement or delete our website or parts of it without separate announcement or to temporarily or permanently discontinue publication.

References (links) to other websites

Links to the Internet site "Zur Fledermaus" refer directly or indirectly to other websites. Their content and design are not under the control or influence of "Zur Fledermaus". This hereby expressly distances itself from all contents of the linked pages and is therefore not liable for them.

Please note that our website contains links to other websites and that their data protection regulations may differ from our regulations. Check the privacy policy applicable to the other websites before providing personal information. In any case, please note that these websites do not forward any of your personal information to us.

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